
‘You make a living by what you earn you make a life by what you give’


Life a simple word yet carries so much meaning. What is it? Everyone tries to make sense of what it is and to make a sensible one for them. How do we define it? Is it by the recognition of the people who love and care for us? Or is it by the decisions we make in life? Or maybe it is by the number of the times we fall and get back up again? Or perhaps by the number of accomplishments we have had?

If it is so, what happens when the people we expect to love us fail to? Or the decisions we have made are like a mare reflection of us, like shadows that no one recognizes? So what if someone has never had a fall or a graceful reason to get back up again? Or the accomplishments have not been significant enough, forgotten so fast like the waves of the ocean? Then what?

We all want and choose different things in life, at the end of the day we define life for ourselves. We do not get to be what people allow us to be instead we allow ourselves to be what we want be. What you get out of this life is what you ask for; hard work pays off in a long time laziness pays off now. Work hard play harder. Think about it, how you are received is how you present yourself, how you are loved is how you want to be loved. If you are not dreaming big then you are not living.

No person will understand how much hard work you have put to accomplish anything, how much pain you have been caused, how much you have had to put up with, how many late nights have gone into strategy and planning projects for your life instead they will look past your greatness and criticize your shortcomings and for a long time.

‘The future belongs to those who prepare for it today’

   –  Malcom X.

So, forgive yourself past your wrongs, love yourself past your pain, celebrate yourself past your recognition, respect yourself past your shortcomings, hold your head up high past your failures and take a minute to let it  all sink in that you have been the best given everything that has been thrown your way. You have risen and will continue to rise above all odds. You are your greatest confidant and company.

I say life is what you make it; you get to be the artist who draws it all out. You get to know just how much color you want it to have, you get to choose how to draw it, and you get to express yourself. Be the best you can ever be and anything you chose to do… the Best at it. Leave a life that people wish they lived, live your life.

Life is not a rehearsal, but one lifetime is enough…. in a nutshell redefine life for yourself; you need no one’s approval. When the day comes leave a legacy behind, a life that was well lived, loved and will continue to be celebrated. Leave no room for survival but a reputation of a life fulfilled.

Ask. Believe. Receive ………………………..Go the Extra Mile.


  1. you only life once so live life to the fullest this piece says it all no one put it better in words than you Shiko


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